All Classes
Class | Description |
AABB2d |
Read-only interface for axis-aligned bounding boxes in XY-plane.
AABB3d |
Read-only interface for axis-aligned bounding boxes in 3-dimensional space.
AABBIntersectionFilter |
Filter that accepts components whose axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) intersects the AABB defined for the filter.
AngleFormat |
PercentageFormat allows formatting angles consistently and based on the user settings.
ArbitraryProfile |
Represents the Arbitrary profile of a component.
Area |
Read-only interface for handling areas in XY-plane.
ARGBColor |
Describes a color with Alpha, Red, Green and Blue components.
AsymmetricIProfile |
Represents the Asymmetric I Profile of a component.
BcfApi |
Interface BCF provides access to the supported BCF-API servers and services.
BCFCoordinationValues |
This interface provides the collections of valid BCF topic coordination values that are used in Solibri issue
coordination editor.
BcfScope |
Scope of the issues in BCF-XML content that can be generated.
BCFServer |
BCF server interface provides access to the properties of a supported BCF-API Server.
BcfVersion |
Versions of BCF-XML content that can be generated.
BcfXml |
This interface is used for exporting BCF-XML content.
Beam |
Represents beams in IFC models (IfcBeam).
Beam.Type |
Represents the different types of beams.
Bitmap |
Visualization item for visualizing bitmap.
BooleanParameter |
Boolean parameter.
BooleanSetting |
The intended base class for Boolean valued custom settings.
BorderType |
This enum defines the style of the border that is drawn around a UI container.
Box |
Box (Hyperrectangle) is generalization of a rectangle in 3-dimensional space.
Building |
Represents a building in a model.
BuildingStorey |
Represents a storey (floor) in a building.
Camera |
Camera represents the "camera" of the 3D view.
CameraState |
CameraState represents the state of 3d camera including location, direction, up direction and projection mode.
CellRenderer<T> |
CellRenderer is used to render cells in custom columns.
Checking |
Checking provides access to information related to checking activities, such as whether checking has been done, and
what the results are.
Checking.State |
Describes the state of the checking.
CheckingNode |
CheckingNode is a node in a checking definition structure.
CheckingResultsColumn |
CheckingResultsColumn allows defining custom columns to the checking results view.
CheckingResultsView |
Provides access to the Solibri internal checking results view.
CheckingResultsViewRow |
Represents a single row in the
CheckingResultsView . |
CheckingSelection |
Allows components that have been previously selected using
ComponentSelector to be retrieved and marked as
checked. |
CheckingView |
Provides access to the Solibri internal checking view.
CircleHollowProfile |
Represents the Circle hollow shaped profile of a component.
CircleProfile |
Represents the Circle shaped profile of a component.
Classification |
Represents the classification for
Component s. |
ClassificationParameter |
Classification parameter.
ClassificationResult |
Represents the result of applying a
Classification to a Component . |
Comment |
A Comment represents a single comment in a BCF context.
Component |
Represents one component in the data model.
ComponentFilter |
ComponentFilter is used to filter components. |
ComponentSelector |
Allows to retrieve components like
CheckingSelection , but in addition allows to select components for
checking. |
ComponentType |
This enumeration contains the various entity types.
CompositeProfile |
Represents a combination of two or more profiles.
ConcurrentRule |
Extend this abstract class to implement a rule in which components passing a
main filter are concurrently using a thread pool.
ConvexHull |
Provides methods for computing the convex hull of different geometrical shapes.
Covering |
Represents coverings in IFC models (IfcCovering).
Covering.Type |
Represents the different types of coverings.
CProfile |
Represents the C-shaped profile of a component.
CraneRailAProfile |
Represents the Crane Rail A shaped profile of a rail component.
CraneRailFProfile |
Represents the Crane Rail F shaped profile of a rail component.
CustomColumn<T> |
CustomColumn allows defining extra columns for existing internal Solibri tables.
Decision |
This enumeration defines the possible decisions that a checking result can have.
Door |
Door entity represents doors in IFC models.
Door.OperationType |
Describes the opening operation and direction of a door.
Door.OperationType.OpeningSide |
Defines the opening side of a door when the door is viewed in the reference direction.
DoubleParameter |
Double parameter.
DoubleSetting |
The intended base class for Double valued custom settings.
EllipseProfile |
Represents the Ellipse shaped profile of a component.
EnumerationParameter |
Enumeration parameter.
FilterParameter |
Filter parameter.
Flight |
The Flight interface provides geometric information about the flight element shape.
Footprint |
Footprint represents the effect a component has when flattened to two dimensions.
FunctionalSystem |
Represents the system of a component.
GeneralSettings |
GeneralSettings provides access to general settings of the software.
GeographicCoordinate |
Represents a geographic coordinate at reference point.
GeographicCoordinate.Angle |
Internal Angle interface that defines degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Group |
A group is a logical collection of objects.
Handrail |
Represents a handrail that can be a part of a
Flight in stairs or ramps. |
Handrail.Side |
Defines the side of the flight on which the handrail is located.
HttpProxy |
HttpProxy returns information about the HTTP/HTTPS proxy that has been configured.
Hyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink in Solibri.
HyperlinkColumn |
HyperlinkColumn represents the second column of the table.
IfcEntityType |
An enumeration of possible IFC Entity types (such as IfcDoor or IfcLayeredItem).
InfoDisplayer |
A service for showing info of the component in the Info view (User
Information<T> |
Implement this interface to have your own custom information takeoff (ITO) algorithm.
InformationTakeoff |
InformationTakeoff provides access to Information takeoff in Solibri.
IntegerSetting |
The intended base class for Integer valued custom settings.
Internal |
Define an internal interface or class that should not be used by the API user.
InternalViews |
Holds references to internal Solibri-defined views.
Intersection |
This is a class describing the intersection between the two components.
IntParameter |
Int parameter.
IProfile |
Represents the I-shaped profile of a component.
IssuesView |
IssuesView represents the state of the internal Solibri Issues View that is
ready-made in the software.
ItoColumn |
ItoColumn represent a single column definition in an information takeoff.
ItoDefinition |
ITO definition defines an information takeoff.
ItoRow |
ItoRow represent a single row in information takeoff results.
ItoValue<T> |
ItoValue represent a single cell in an information takeoff.
Landing |
The Landing interface provides geometric information about the landing shape.
Layout |
Layout is a single "tab" in the software.
Layouts |
Layouts provides access to reading and modifying the layouts of the software.
LayoutUpdater |
LayoutUpdater can be used to update the UI state for given layouts.
LayoutView |
LayoutView represents a single view embedded in a layout.
LayoutView.State |
Describes the current state of the layoutview.
Line2d |
Read-only interface for handling lines in 2-dimensional space.
Line3d |
Read-only interface for handling lines in 3-dimensional space.
LineIntersectionFilter |
Filter that accepts components whose axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) intersects the line defined in this filter.
Lines |
Visualization item for visualizing segments.
Lines.LinePattern |
Describes pattern of the drawn lines.
Listeners |
Listeners provide to object-level listeners.
LProfile |
Represents the L-shaped profile of a component.
Interface that represents a mutable axis-aligned bounding box in the
Interface that represents a mutable axis-aligned bounding box in
3-dimensional space.
MainColumn |
MainColumn represents the first column of the table.
MArea |
Interface for areas in XY-plane.
Material |
Represents the material of a component.
Matrix4d |
Read only interface for 4x4 matrices.
Mesh |
Visualization item for visualizing meshes.
MinimumAreaRectangle |
Provides a method for computing the oriented minimum area rectangle of a collection of points.
MLine2d |
Interface for handling lines in the XY-plane.
MLine3d |
Interface for handling lines in 3d.
MMatrix4d |
Interface for 4x4 matrices.
MModel |
Modifiable extension of
Model . |
Model |
This interface is used for getting data from the data model.
ModelNotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when there is no model having matching UUID.
ModelOpeningException |
An exception that is thrown when the model opening is failed for some reason.
Models |
The service for opening models and accessing them.
MPlane |
Interface for handling mutable planes in 3d.
MPolygon2d |
Interface for handling simple polygons without holes in the XY-plane.
MPolygon3d |
Interface for handling simple polygons without holes in 3-dimensional space.
MRay2d |
Mutable interface to handle 2-dimensional rays.
MRay3d |
Interface to handle 3-dimensional rays.
MRectangle2d |
Interface for handling rectangles in the XY-plane.
MRectangle3d |
Interface for handling rectangles in 3-dimensional space.
MSegment2d |
Interface for handling segments in the XY-plane.
MSegment3d |
Interface for handling segments in 3-dimensional space.
MTriangle2d |
Interface that represents a triangle in the XY-plane.
MTriangle3d |
Interface that represents a 3-dimensional triangle.
MVector2d |
Interface for handling vectors in the XY-plane.
MVector3d |
Interface for 3-dimensional vectors.
NonUniformLProfile |
Represents a non uniform L-shaped profile of a component.
NonUniformTProfile |
Represents a non uniform T-shaped profile of a component.
OneByOneRule |
Extend this abstract class to implement a rule in which components passing a main filter are checked one by one.
Opening |
Opening entity represents openings in IFC models (IfcOpeningElement).
OrthogonalCameraState |
OrthogonalCameraState represents the state of 3d camera in orthogonal projection.
Pair<A,B> |
A Generic pair.
ParameterTable |
This interface provides a way to access the rule table parameter.
ParametricProfile |
Represents a parametric profile type of a component.
ParametricProfileType |
Represents the different types of Parametrized profiles for a component.
PasswordSetting |
The intended base class for String valued custom settings that are passwords or other secrets.
PercentageFormat |
PercentageFormat allows formatting percentages consistently and based on the user settings.
PerspectiveCameraState |
PerspectiveCameraState represents the state of 3d camera in perspective projection.
Plane |
Interface for handling planes in 3d.
Points |
Visualization item for visualizing points.
Polygon2d |
Read-only interface for handling simple polygons without holes in the
Polygon3d |
Read-only interface for handling simple polygons without holes in
3-dimensional space.
PreCheckResult |
PreCheckResult provides information about the pre-check before the actual checking of the rule.
Presentation |
Presentation represents a single presentation created manually or from other sources that is intended to be
communicated outside the software.
Product |
Enumeration of Solibri product variations.
Profile |
Represents the profile of an IFC component.
ProfileType |
Represents the different types of profile for a component.
ProgressBar |
Progressbar is a visible progress bar in the software.
Project |
Service for accessing info regarding project (.smc) file.
Project.SaveStatus |
Statuses of project file.
Property<T> |
Represents a Property of a PropertySet in a
Component . |
PropertyReference |
This interface represents a reference to a property.
PropertyReferenceParameter |
Rule parameter that is used for specifying references to properties (see
PropertyReference ). |
PropertySet |
Represents a Property Set of a
Component . |
PropertyType |
Represents the data type of a property.
ProxySettings |
Returns information about the proxy settings in the software.
Quantities |
Provides access to the quantities of a
Component . |
Quantities.Type |
Specifies the type of the quantity.
Ramp |
The Ramp interface provides geometric information about the ramp shape.
RampElement |
Represents an element that occurs as a part of ramp, for example, a flight or a landing.
RampFlight |
The RampFlight interface provides geometric information about the ramp flight shape.
Ray2d |
Read-only interface to handle 2-dimensional rays.
Ray3d |
Read-only interface to handle 3-dimensional rays.
RayIntersectionFilter |
Filter that accepts components whose axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) intersects the ray defined in this filter.
Rectangle2d |
Read-only interface for handling rectangles in the XY-plane.
Rectangle3d |
Read-only interface for handling rectangles in 3-dimensional space.
RectangleHollowProfile |
Represents the Rectangle hollow shaped profile of a component.
RectangleProfile |
Represents the Rectangle shaped profile of a component.
Relation |
Represents a relation between components.
Relation.Direction |
Specifies the direction of a relation.
Relation.Type |
Represents the types of supported relations.
Result |
This interface defines a result.
ResultCategory |
This interface defines a result category.
ResultFactory |
Provides a way to create checking results and result categories.
RoundedRectangleProfile |
Represents the rounded Rectangle shaped profile of a component.
Rule |
The interface for rules.
RuleParameter<T> |
This class defines a rule parameter.
RuleParameters |
Allow to handle the creation of checking parameters for a Rule.
RuleResources |
Represents the resources of a rule.
Ruleset |
Ruleset is a named collection of rules and possibly other rulesets.
Segment2d |
Read-only interface for handling segments in the XY-plane.
Segment3d |
Read-only interface for handling segments in 3-dimensional space.
SelectionBasket |
An interface for handling the selection basket.
Setting<T> |
Setting defines a setting for the application.
SettingDialog |
SettingDialog defines a custom dialog for custom settings.
SettingGroup |
SettingGroup defines a setting group for the application.
Settings |
Settings provides access to the settings of the software.
Severity |
This enumeration defines the possible severities that an issue can have.
Site |
A site may include a definition of the single geographic reference point for this site (global position using
Longitude, Latitude and Elevation) for the project.
Slide |
Slide represents a single issue slide created manually or from other sources that is intended to be communicated
outside the software.
SlideModifiedListener |
Listener to listen to modifications in
Slide . |
The SMC is used to access different Solibri services.
Socks4Proxy |
Socks4Proxy returns information about the SOCKS V4 proxy that has been configured.
Space |
Door entity represents spaces in IFC models (IfcSpace).
SpaceBoundary |
SpaceBoundary interface provides information about the space boundary. |
SpaceBoundary.Type |
The type of the space boundary.
Split |
Split describes a splitting of the UI space for different LayoutViews.
Split.Orientation |
Orientation describes the direction the space is split.
Stair |
The Stair interface provides geometric information about the stair shape.
StairElement |
The StairElement interface provides geometric information about the stair element shape.
StairFlight |
The StairFlight interface provides geometric information about the stair flight shape.
StairStep |
The StairStep interface provides 2D geometric information about the top stair step shape.
StringParameter |
String parameter.
StringSetting |
The intended base class for String valued custom settings.
TableParameter |
Table parameter.
Text |
Visualization item for visualizing text.
ThreeD |
This interface provides all 3D view related functionality such as reading and modifying the image present.
TProfile |
Represents the T-shaped profile of a component.
TrapeziumProfile |
Represents the Trapezium shaped profile of a component.
Triangle2d |
Read-only interface for 2-dimensional triangles.
Triangle3d |
Read-only interface for 3-dimensional triangles.
TriangleMesh |
Represents a mesh made of triangles.
Triangulation |
Provides methods for triangulating polygons.
UIComponent |
Common interface for rule parameter UI components.
UIContainer |
Interface for UIComponent containers.
UIContainerHorizontal |
Container that contains UI components in horizontal layout.
UIContainerVertical |
Container that contains UI components in vertical layout.
UIImage |
Class for defining an image in a UI.
UILabel |
Class that defines a simple text label in a UI.
UIRadioButtonPanel |
Interface that defines a radio button panel in the UI.
UIRadioButtonPanelHorizontal |
Class that defines a radio button panel with horizontal layout.
UIRadioButtonPanelVertical |
Class that defines a radio button panel with vertical layout.
UIRuleParameter |
Defines the UI component for a rule parameter.
UnitSettings |
UnitSettings provides access to unit settings of the software.
UProfile |
Represents the U-shaped profile of a component.
User |
User can be used to access information about the current user using the software.
Vector2d |
Read-only interface for handling vectors in the XY-plane.
Vector3d |
Read-only interface for 3-dimensional vectors.
View |
A View defines a custom view that can be shown in the software.
Viewpoint |
Viewpoint represents a point of view about a situation in a model.
ViewpointColumn |
ViewpointColumn represents the third column of the table.
Visualization |
Visualization to visualize results of a rule.
VisualizationItem<T extends VisualizationItem<T>> |
Represents a visualization item with color.
Wall |
Wall entity represents walls in IFC models.
Window |
Window entity represents windows in IFC models (IfcWindow).
Zone |
A zone is an aggregation of spaces, partial spaces or other zones.
ZProfile |
Represents the Z-shaped profile of a component.