Package com.solibri.smc.api.model
package com.solibri.smc.api.model
ClassDescriptionRepresents a building in a model.An exception that is thrown when there is an interruption in checking.Represents one component in the data model.Enum with values of geometry types.This enumeration contains the various entity types.Represents the system of a component.Represents a geographic coordinate at reference point.Internal Angle interface that defines degrees, minutes, and seconds.A group is a logical collection of objects.Represents a hyperlink in Solibri.Implementation level of the imported IFC.Meta data imported from IFC header.Represents the material of a component.Modifiable extension of
.This interface is used for getting data from the data model.An exception that is thrown when there is no model having matching UUID.An exception that is thrown when the model opening is failed for some reason.The service for opening models and accessing them.An exception that is thrown when there is no project opened and checking api is called.Property<T>Represents a Property of a PropertySet in aComponent
.This interface represents a reference to a property.Represents a Property Set of aComponent
.Represents the data type of a property.Provides access to the quantities of aComponent
.Specifies the type of the quantity.Represents a relation between components.Specifies the direction of a relation.Represents the types of supported relations.A site may include a definition of the single geographic reference point for this site (global position using Longitude, Latitude and Elevation) for the project.A zone is an aggregation of spaces, partial spaces or other zones.