Solibri Info API - Code Example

Distance from doors example

This example shows how to develop a simple additional information definition. The example defines a piece of information that is found for spaces that have doors. For spaces without doors or components that are not spaces, the information would not be displayed in the software.

package com.solibri.smc.api.examples;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

import com.solibri.geometry.linearalgebra.Vector2d;
import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.MPolygon2d;
import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.Polygon2d;
import com.solibri.smc.api.footprints.Footprint;
import com.solibri.smc.api.model.Component;
import com.solibri.smc.api.model.PropertyType;
import com.solibri.smc.api.model.components.Door;
import com.solibri.smc.api.model.components.Space;

 * This example custom Information fetches the maximum distance of any place inside a space to a door. The information
 * is defined only for {@link Space}s that have a {@link Door}.
public class DistanceFromDoors implements Information<Double> {

	public String getUniqueId() {
		return "Largest distance from a door";

	public Optional<Double> getInformation(Component component) {
		// This is not defined for non-spaces.
		if (!(component instanceof Space)) {
			return Optional.empty();
		Space space = (Space) component;
		Collection<Door> doors = space.getDoors();

		// This is not defined for spaces without doors.
		if (doors.isEmpty()) {
			return Optional.empty();

		Footprint footprint = space.getFootprint();
		Polygon2d outline = footprint.getOutline();

		 * To calculate the distance, take all the corner points as candidates, but also take the the center point as a
		 * candidate if it is inside the space. For some spaces, such as an L-shaped space, the center point might not
		 * be inside the space. This is an attempt to be "smart" and thus the algorithm may give false results for some
		 * kind of spaces. One fix for this would be to investigate more points.
		List<Vector2d> allPoints = outline.getVertices();
		Vector2d center = outline.getCentroid();
		if (outline.contains(center)) {

		 * For each point find the shortest distance for any door polyogn. Then from these distances choose the largest.
		List<MPolygon2d> doorPolygons = -> area.getPolygons().stream())
		double maxDistanceOfAllMinDistances = Double.MIN_VALUE;
		for (Vector2d point : allPoints) {
			double minDistanceForGivenPoint = Double.MAX_VALUE;
			for (MPolygon2d doorPolygon : doorPolygons) {
				double distance = doorPolygon.distance(point);
				if (distance < minDistanceForGivenPoint) {
					minDistanceForGivenPoint = distance;
			if (minDistanceForGivenPoint > maxDistanceOfAllMinDistances) {
				maxDistanceOfAllMinDistances = minDistanceForGivenPoint;

		return Optional.of(maxDistanceOfAllMinDistances);

	public PropertyType getType() {
		return PropertyType.LENGTH;
