ArbitraryProfile |
Represents the Arbitrary profile of a component.
AsymmetricIProfile |
Represents the Asymmetric I Profile of a component.
CircleHollowProfile |
Represents the Circle hollow shaped profile of a component.
CircleProfile |
Represents the Circle shaped profile of a component.
CompositeProfile |
Represents a combination of two or more profiles.
CProfile |
Represents the C-shaped profile of a component.
CraneRailAProfile |
Represents the Crane Rail A shaped profile of a rail component.
CraneRailFProfile |
Represents the Crane Rail F shaped profile of a rail component.
EllipseProfile |
Represents the Ellipse shaped profile of a component.
IProfile |
Represents the I-shaped profile of a component.
LProfile |
Represents the L-shaped profile of a component.
NonUniformLProfile |
Represents a non uniform L-shaped profile of a component.
NonUniformTProfile |
Represents a non uniform T-shaped profile of a component.
ParametricProfile |
Represents a parametric profile type of a component.
Profile |
Represents the profile of an IFC component.
RectangleHollowProfile |
Represents the Rectangle hollow shaped profile of a component.
RectangleProfile |
Represents the Rectangle shaped profile of a component.
RoundedRectangleProfile |
Represents the rounded Rectangle shaped profile of a component.
TProfile |
Represents the T-shaped profile of a component.
TrapeziumProfile |
Represents the Trapezium shaped profile of a component.
UProfile |
Represents the U-shaped profile of a component.
ZProfile |
Represents the Z-shaped profile of a component.