Solibri API - Code Example

HeatmapVisualizationRule Example

This example shows how to develop a simple rule that visualizes the heatmap area from the effect sources that are in range from the checked components. The heatmap area is visualized only on the area of the selected components. The heatmap area is visualized by steps from each effect source. User will define the checked components and the effect sources. User will also set the range and the step length values of the heatmap.

This example shows also how to develop a simple UI Definition for this rule where the rule UI allows user to filter the selected components and effect sources and set the range and the step length of the heatmap. UI example will show how to use properties and how to place the contents.

You can download the examples project from here.

Table of Contents

  • Implementing the Heatmap Visualization Rule Example
  • Implementing the UI Definition

Implementing the Heatmap Visualization Rule Example

package com.solibri.smc.api.examples.beginner;

  import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
  import java.awt.BasicStroke;
  import java.awt.Color;
  import java.awt.Graphics2D;
  import java.awt.RenderingHints;
  import java.awt.Shape;
  import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
  import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.Collections;
  import java.util.List;

  import com.solibri.geometry.linearalgebra.MVector3d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.linearalgebra.Vector2d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.linearalgebra.Vector3d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.AABB2d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.Area;
  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.MAABB2d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive2d.Polygon2d;
  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive3d.AABB3d;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.SMC;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.DoubleParameter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.FilterParameter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.OneByOneRule;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.Result;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.ResultFactory;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.RuleParameters;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.RuleResources;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.filter.AABBIntersectionFilter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.filter.ComponentFilter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.model.Component;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.model.PropertyType;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIContainer;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.visualization.Bitmap;

  * Example rule template that uses Bitmap visualization to visualize heatmap.
  public class HeatmapVisualizationRule extends OneByOneRule {

  * Light blue color for heatmap visualization.
  private static final Color VISUALIZATION_COLOR = new Color(100, 100, 255);

  * Resolution of the bitmap.
  private static final int BITMAP_RESOLUTION = 1600;

  * Maximum number of the heatmap color steps used.
  private static final int STEP_LIMIT = 50;

  * Retrieve the parameter creation handler, used to define parameters for
  * this rule.
  private final RuleParameters params = RuleParameters.of(this);

  * Retrieve the default filter.
  * Every component that passes the filter is then forwarded to
  * the {@link OneByOneRule#check(Component, ResultFactory)} method.
  final FilterParameter rpComponentFilter = this.getDefaultFilterParameter();

  * The second filter for the effect components.
  final FilterParameter rpEffectSourceFilter = params.createFilter("rpEffectSourceFilter");

  * A DoubleParameter allows the user to input a double value that in this
  * case defines the range of the heatmap from the source component. The
  * PropertyType is used to correctly format the double value when displayed
  * in the UI. E.g. when selecting PropertyType.Length the value "5.0" will
  * be formatted as follows: "5.0 m".
  final DoubleParameter rpRangeParameter = params.createDouble("rpRange", PropertyType.LENGTH);

  * The second DoubleParameter for the length of the step.
  final DoubleParameter rpStepParameter = params.createDouble("rpStep", PropertyType.LENGTH);

  * Add the UI definition.
  private final HeatmapVisualizationRuleUIDefinition uiDefinition = new HeatmapVisualizationRuleUIDefinition(this);

  * This method is called for every component that passes through the default filter
  * @param component  the component to check
  public Collection<Result> check(Component component, ResultFactory resultFactory) {
  * A rule parameter value can be accessed by calling the corresponding
  * method.
  double range = rpRangeParameter.getValue();
  ComponentFilter rangeFilter = rpEffectSourceFilter.getValue();

  * Get the components within range by creating a filter that returns the components whose bounding boxes
  * are within the given range of the checked component's axis-aligned bounding box.
  ComponentFilter componentsInRangeFilter = AABBIntersectionFilter.ofComponentBounds(component, range, 0.0)
  Collection<Component> componentsInRange = SMC.getModel().getComponents(componentsInRangeFilter);

  * Discard the checking if the range-value doesn't meet the requirements
  * or there are no effect sources in range.
  if (range <= 0.0 || componentsInRange.isEmpty()) {
  // No result produced
  return Collections.emptySet();

* Create the bitmap that contains the heatmap.
Bitmap bitmap = createBitmapVisualization(component, componentsInRange);

* Create the result.
Result result = createResult(component, componentsInRange, bitmap, resultFactory);

* Return the one result created for this component.
return Collections.singleton(result);

private Result createResult(Component component, Collection<Component> componentsInRange, Bitmap bitmap,
ResultFactory resultFactory) {

* Create the name and description for this result.
String resultName = createResultName(component);
String resultDescription = createResultDescription(componentsInRange);

* Results are created with the result factory. At least a name and description are required to create a result.
* The result will be attached to the component we are now checking.

return resultFactory
.create(resultName, resultDescription)

* When creating a result it's important to remember to add the other involved components
* to the result so that those will be visible in the UI.

* A custom visualization for the result can be created.
.withVisualization(visualization -> {
* Add the bitmap to the visualization of the result.

* Add the component with 75% transparency to the visualization of the
* result.
visualization.addComponent(component, 0.75);

* Add the effect-sources with no (0%) transparency to the visualization
* of the result.
visualization.addComponents(componentsInRange, 0.0);

private String createResultName(Component component) {
return component.getName();

private String createResultDescription(Collection<Component> componentsInRange) {
* getString() allows user to handle the localized string(s) mapped by
* the key(s).
String descriptionHeadline = RuleResources.of(this).getString("resultDescription", componentsInRange.size());

* Create the result description that contains the unique identifiers of
* the components listed below the description headline. By using the html
* you can modify the outlook of the description.
StringBuilder resultDescription = new StringBuilder(descriptionHeadline);
final String htmlBrTag = "<br>";
for (Component componentInRange : componentsInRange) {
String displayName = componentInRange.getName();

return resultDescription.toString();

private Bitmap createBitmapVisualization(Component component, Collection<Component> componentsInRange) {
* Initialize the graphics based on the area of the component.
Area area = component.getFootprint().getArea();
MAABB2d boundingRectangle = area.getBoundingRectangle();
int imageType = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(BITMAP_RESOLUTION, BITMAP_RESOLUTION, imageType);
Graphics2D graphics = createImageGraphics(image, boundingRectangle);

* Draw the heatmap and effect-source into 2D-graphics for each component
* in the range.
for (Component entityInRange : componentsInRange) {
Shape shape = createComponentShape(entityInRange);
drawHeatmap2D(graphics, rpRangeParameter.getValue(), rpStepParameter.getValue(), shape);
drawEffectSource2D(graphics, shape);

* This method returns the minimum size axis-aligned bounding box of the
* component.
AABB3d componentBounds = component.getBoundingBox();

* VisualizationItemFactory allows the user to create visualization
* items.
MVector3d location = boundingRectangle.getCentroid().to3dVector();
double zOffsetToAvoidOverlapping = 0.03;
location.setZ(componentBounds.getLowerBound().getZ() + zOffsetToAvoidOverlapping);
double bitmapWidth = boundingRectangle.getSizeX();
double bitmapHeight = boundingRectangle.getSizeY();

return Bitmap.create(image, Vector3d.UNIT_Z, Vector3d.UNIT_Y, location, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);

private static AffineTransform createWorldToImageTransformation(AABB2d boundingRectangle) {
AffineTransform affineTransform = new AffineTransform();
double scaleX = BITMAP_RESOLUTION / boundingRectangle.getSizeX();
double scaleY = BITMAP_RESOLUTION / boundingRectangle.getSizeY();
affineTransform.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
Vector2d offset = boundingRectangle.getLowerBound();
double offsetX = -offset.getX();
double offsetY = -offset.getY();
affineTransform.translate(offsetX, offsetY);

return affineTransform;

private static Graphics2D createImageGraphics(BufferedImage image, MAABB2d boundingRectangle) {
AffineTransform affineTransform = createWorldToImageTransformation(boundingRectangle);
Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics();
graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

return graphics;

private static void drawHeatmap2D(Graphics2D imageGraphics, double range, double step, Shape shape) {
boolean drawSteps = step < range && step > 0 && (range / step) < STEP_LIMIT;
int stepsCount = drawSteps ? (int) Math.floor(range / step) : 0;
float alpha = drawSteps ? 1f / (stepsCount + 1) : 0.25f;
setAlphaComposite(imageGraphics, alpha);

* Draw heatmap from the edge of the source component to the distance of
* given range.
drawShapeWithOffset(imageGraphics, shape, (float) range);

* Draw the heatmap steps if needed. Draw the steps from the edge of the
* source component. Steps divides the drawn heatmap range area to
* multiple slices (steps).
if (drawSteps) {
for (int i = 1; i <= stepsCount; i++) {
float offset = (float) step * i;
drawShapeWithOffset(imageGraphics, shape, offset);

private static void drawEffectSource2D(Graphics2D graphics, Shape shape) {
setAlphaComposite(graphics, 1f);
drawShapeWithOffset(graphics, shape, 0.0f);

private static void setAlphaComposite(Graphics2D graphics, float alpha) {
graphics.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha));

private static void drawShapeWithOffset(Graphics2D graphics, Shape shape, float offset) {
* Increase the size of the shape with amount of offset-value. This is
* done by increasing the line thickness. The line thickness is twice
* the offset because it effects on both sides from the line.
float edgeThickness = 2.0f * offset;
graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(edgeThickness, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND,
0.0f, null, 0.0f));

private Shape createComponentShape(Component component) {

* Get the outline polygon of the footprint because we just need to have
* the outer polygon of the footprint.
Polygon2d footprint = component.getFootprint().getOutline();

* Create the GeneralPath (java.awt.geom.Shape) of the footprint.
GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
List<Vector2d> vertices = footprint.getVertices();
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
Vector2d point = vertices.get(i);
if (i == 0) {
path.moveTo(point.getX(), point.getY());
} else {
path.lineTo(point.getX(), point.getY());

return path;

public UIContainer getParametersUIDefinition() {
return uiDefinition.getDefinitionContainer();

Implementing the UI Definition

package com.solibri.smc.api.examples.beginner;

  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.RuleResources;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.BorderType;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIComponent;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIContainer;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIContainerHorizontal;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIContainerVertical;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIImage;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UILabel;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.ui.UIRuleParameter;

  * Class that provides the UI layout for the Heatmap Visualization Rule.
  class HeatmapVisualizationRuleUIDefinition {

  * The heatmap visualization rule.
  private final HeatmapVisualizationRule heatmapVisualizationRule;

  * The UI definition container.
  private final UIContainer uiDefinition;

  * The resources of the rule.
  private final RuleResources resources;

  * Constructor.
  * @param heatmapVisualizationRule the heatmap visualization rule
  public HeatmapVisualizationRuleUIDefinition(HeatmapVisualizationRule heatmapVisualizationRule) {
  this.heatmapVisualizationRule = heatmapVisualizationRule;
  this.resources = RuleResources.of(heatmapVisualizationRule);
  this.uiDefinition = createUIDefinition();

* Returns the UI definition of the Rule.
* @return the UI definition container of the Rule
public UIContainer getDefinitionContainer() {
return uiDefinition;

private UIContainer createUIDefinition() {
* Create the vertical component container.
UIContainer uiContainer = UIContainerVertical.create(

* Add the description.

* Add the first filter for components to check.

* Add second filter for source effect components.

* Add visualization parameters content.

return uiContainer;

private UIComponent createComponentFilterUIDefinition() {
UIContainer uiContainer = UIContainerVertical.create();

* Add component filter.

return uiContainer;

private UIComponent createEffectSourceComponentFilterUIDefinition() {
UIContainer uiContainer = UIContainerVertical.create();


return uiContainer;

private UIComponent createParameterValuesUIDefinition() {
UIContainer uiContainer = UIContainerVertical.create(


* Add the horizontal container with image and parameters.
UIContainer horizontalUiContainer = UIContainerHorizontal.create();
UIImage image = UIImage.create(resources.getImageUrl("heatmap_visualization_rule_parameters.png"));

return uiContainer;

private UIContainer createParameterUIDefinition() {
UIContainer uiContainer = UIContainerVertical.create();


return uiContainer;

DEFAULT_NAME=Heatmap Visualization Rule
  DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION=This rule visualizes the heatmap area from the effect sources that are in range from the checked components. The heatmap area is visualized only on the area of the checked components. The heatmap area is visualized by steps from each effect source. User will define the checked components and the effect sources. User will also set the range and the step length values of the heatmap.
  AUTHOR=Solibri, Inc.

  UI.HeatmapVisualizationRule.TITLE = Heatmap Visualization Rule
  UI.HeatmapVisualizationRule.DESCRIPTION = <html>This rule visualizes the heatmap area from the effect sources<br>that are in range from the checked components. The heatmap area<br>is visualized only on the area of the checked components.</html>

  rpComponentFilter.NAME = Checked Components
  rpComponentFilter.DESCRIPTION = Checked Components where the heatmap of the effect source is visualized.

  rpEffectSourceFilter.NAME = Effect Sources
  rpEffectSourceFilter.DESCRIPTION = Effect Sources.

  UI.HeatmapVisualizationParameter.TITLE = Visualization
  UI.HeatmapVisualizationParameter.DESCRIPTION = These parameters specifies the range and the step length of the visualized effect.

  rpRange.NAME = Effect Range (A)
  rpRange.DESCRIPTION = This defines the range of the visualized effect from the source.
  rpRange.DEFAULT_VALUE = 3m

  rpStep.NAME = Effect Step Length (B)
  rpStep.DESCRIPTION = This defines the step length of the visualized effect from the source.
  rpStep.DEFAULT_VALUE = 0.5m

  resultDescription = Found {0} component(s) in range: