Solibri API - Code Example

ComponentHeightRule example

This example shows how to develop a simple rule that checks for the component height not to be greater than the value defined by the user.

Implementing the Component Height Rule

The rule checks components that pass the default filter one by one, so it extends the class OneByOneRule. The height of each component is retrieved by getting the axis-aligned bounding box of the component. A result is created for each component that has a height that is greater than the one given by the user.

package com.solibri.smc.api.examples.beginner;

  import java.text.MessageFormat;
  import java.util.Collection;
  import java.util.Collections;

  import com.solibri.geometry.primitive3d.AABB3d;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.DoubleParameter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.OneByOneRule;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.Result;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.ResultFactory;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.RuleParameters;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.checking.StringParameter;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.model.Component;
  import com.solibri.smc.api.model.PropertyType;

  * This example rule shows how to check the components' height. The height must
  * not exceed the limit set by the user. The OneByOneRule class provides functionality
  * for checking the components that pass the default filter one by one.
  public class ComponentHeightRule extends OneByOneRule {

  * Retrieve the rule parameter creator for this rule.
  private final RuleParameters params = RuleParameters.of(this);

  * A DoubleParameter allows the user to input a double value. The
  * PropertyType is used to correctly format the double value using the units that are selected in the
  * application settings. For example, when metres are used as the unit of length, then the value "5.0" will
  * be formatted as "5.0 m" in the UI.
  final DoubleParameter maximumHeightDoubleParameter = params.createDouble("rpMaxHeight", PropertyType.LENGTH);

  * A StringParameter allows the user to input text.
  final StringParameter resultNameStringParameter = params.createString("rpResultName");

  * This method is called for every component that passes through the default filter.
  * @param component the component that is checked by this method
  * @param resultFactory the factory that is used for creating results for the checked component
  * @return a collection of results associated with the component that is checked in this method
  public Collection<Result> check(Component component, ResultFactory resultFactory) {
  * This method returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the
  * component.
  AABB3d componentBounds = component.getBoundingBox();

  * The AABB object contains the bounds of the component in each dimension.
  * The height of a component can be retrieved by getting the size of the bounding box
  * along the Z-axis.
  double componentHeight = componentBounds.getSizeZ();

  * The value that is set into a rule parameter can be accessed using the getValue method.
  * This retrieves the maximum allowed height for components from the rule parameter.
  Double maximumAllowedHeight = maximumHeightDoubleParameter.getValue();

  * Check if the component does not exceed the maximum height.
  if (componentHeight <= maximumAllowedHeight) {
  * Return an empty collection of results because the component height does not
  * exceed the maximum allowed height.
  return Collections.emptyList();

* The component's height exceeds the allowed minimum, so a result is created for the
* component.

* The string parameter is used for getting the name of the result.
String resultName = resultNameStringParameter.getValue();

* Create a formatted string of the component height. The format uses the
* units that are set in the application settings.
String formattedComponentHeight = PropertyType.LENGTH.getFormat().format(componentHeight);

* Create a description of the result using the formatted component height.
String resultDescription = MessageFormat
.format("The height of component {0} exceeds the allowed maximum height {1}",
component.getName(), formattedComponentHeight);

* Create a result with the name and description. In the check method of OneByOneRule
* the returned results are automatically associated with the component that is passed
* as a parameter.
Result result = resultFactory.create(resultName, resultDescription);

* Only a single result is created for the component, so a singleton Set is
* created for the results.
return Collections.singleton(result);